Bringing Down Costs for Middle Class Families 

We need a representative who will work across the aisle to lower costs for working families.

The cost of gas and groceries is still too high and working families are struggling to get ahead, but Washington isn’t doing enough about that. Coming from a family of small business owners, Peter knows how hard it can be to get ahead. That’s why Peter is committed to rolling up his sleeves and working across the aisle to tackle rising costs and grow our economy.

From the U.S. Small Business Administration to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Peter has helped bring good-paying jobs to Wisconsin, support small businesses, and lower costs for small business owners, homeowners, and Wisconsin’s working families.

In Congress, Peter will work across the aisle to bring costs down and increase wages, just like he’s always done. He will take on price-gouging corporations and support initiatives that lower the cost of housing, health care, child care, and education.


Workers' Rights